Ch.3 Why Flipped Classroom

Student-centered active learning through life time experience.

Studies and evidence support the benefits of flipped learning.

Active Learning >

Helping Struggling Students >

Higher Order Thinking >



Success Flip Ideas

Dr. Lodge McCammon’s Big Ideas


This is an excellent site provide you clips to flip your class:

Flipped Class.Success Story|Flipped Teacher Training >>

A Story of Flipped Class from Singapore

Mr. Roslee Bin Jalie Head of Department, ICT Wellington Primary School Singapore

Here are some related posts about Flipped Classroom in Singapore:

Is Singapore ready for the ‘Flipped Classroom?”

Flipped Classroom in Singapore

Universities adopting ‘flipped classroom’ learning

What’s A Flipped Classroom?

Flipped Classroom.Sucess Story|MOOCs in NUS >>


張子貴(2014)。翻轉教室應用在數學教學之研究–以師培生為例。2014 Conference on Teaching Excellence 。 >>


Flipped Classroom Video Series from a US teacher

Katie Gimbar’s Flipped Classroom

Flipped Class.Success Story|Katie Gimbar’s Flipped Classroom >>


Students were struggling, so he ‘flipped’ his classroom. Everything changed.

Especially the at-risk ones. Only 63% of the kids at Clintondale went on to college, and 35% didn’t even make it though high school. It was rated as one of the worst schools in Michigan. The principal made a decision to change and start to flip his classes. His flipped classroom suggests that preparing in advance can help all personalities thrive in classrooms. Student watch online lectures and do homework and take part in activities in class with guidance from teacher.

Flipped Classroom is not a video nor the technology you use. This is about the amount of support and activities you do in the class.

  • Clintondale’s failure rate dropped from 35% to 10%. College enrollment went up from 63% to 80% in two years.
  • Clintondale’s success has caught the attention of schools all over the country, with 48% of teachers flipping a classroom by 2012, and 78% by 2014.

Story about Clintondale’s Classroom

Flipped Class | Success Stories.His students were struggling, so he ‘flipped’ his classroom. Then everything changed. >>


在清華大學的一次研討會上,指出現今教育已經進入「i 時代」以及「大數據的時代」,學生在一個「智慧信息化校園」裡生活,學習模式漸趨網絡化,任何人能夠在任何時間和地方學習到自己想學的知識,這就是智慧教育。運用教育技術和系統,為師生打造更高效率的學習管理平台,促進教育環境、教學資源、教育服務以及管理。

翻轉課堂其實和智慧教育有不謀而合之處,透過老師預設的學習系統和資源,將電子教材(Digital Material),例如短片、筆記、練習、遊戲等等,放在學習管理平台(Learning Management System)裡,促進自主學習,學生的學習就不限於課堂,而是在任何地方和時間都能夠學習,而老師的價值就是善用這些平台和資訊,為學生提供一個智慧型的教學資源。假若學生能夠在非課堂的地方已經理解這些知識,我們在課堂可以做甚麼呢?根據Bloom Taxonomy,老師就可以進行一些互動活動教學,通過協作學習,從認知和理解層面達致應用甚至創造的層面。

翻轉教室 | 理論篇.智慧教育的體系結構 >>


這篇文章誠意推介奧斯汀德克薩斯大學學院科研中心(Faculty Innovation Center, The University of Texas at Austin),討論了翻轉課堂的意義(What)、四大原因(Why)以及如何實施(How),讓您在最短時間了解何謂反轉課堂。



  • 學生能夠在課堂之前獲取知識,和
  • 老師引導學生積極地參與互動的課堂活動,將學所到的知識應用其中。



翻轉課室.理論篇 | 那麼傳統學習和翻轉課堂有甚麼區別呢?>>